Saturday, June 8, 2013

  The community has been relatively quiet with no known OCSO reports.
  Fairways Watch  always tries to be careful in everything, we print or publicize. The last thing that we would ever want to do ,is interfere, in any way with the wonderful service given to us by the Orange County Sheriff;s Office. With this in mind ,last week I sent an Email to Captain Meade , commander of Sector 2. In my Email I told the captain about this new blog site, with a link to it. The captain responded back, rather quickly with this remark ''Bill this is great '' I noted that he also forwarded it on to other officers at OCSO. I am very happy with his endorsement.
  We have added another very interesting link,on the right side of our home page. The new link is to the ''SOCIAL SECURITY DEATH INDEX''. As all the other links on our site ,it is free. With a little time and practice, you can find answers about old friends and relatives. I have found that it is not mandatory to fill in all the blanks.You need first and last names and also important is the location by state. This is an intriguing site.I hope that it gives answers to questions, readers have often wondered about.


PA Gal said...

Thank you Bill. I for one appreciate all these links. I am going to check out the SS Death Index, all other sites seem to want $. It is people like YOU that make our community a safe place to live, and I thank you.

Anonymous said...

Kudos Bill, I was curious if there was a link you were aware of regarding Orange County Fire/Rescue similiar to the link for OCSO

Unknown said...

Thank you anonymous 258 pm-- Your comment was a great idea and suggestion. The new link is up and running--thank you again

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bill- Awesome. you're the best...Thanks again