Wednesday, June 19, 2013

                      IT IS WORKING !
  This site went on line May 24 2013. Today we celebrated our 2000th visitor.The mission of this site is three fold. #1 the site is designed to inform Fairways residents of security issues ,both positive and negative in our community. #2 we have created an assortment of informative and advisory ''links'' for residents to research and obtain answers to their safety and security issues. #3 is a system and method  for residents to communicate , anonymously and effectively with law enforcement.
  The national 911 system is an effective, simple means to report emergency issues. Since the inception of the 911 system ,in the early 1970;s ,it has saved a countless number of lives. However, there are times when criminal situations are better served by a personal contact with ranking law enforcement officers. Everyone who attended the Fairways Watch security seminar last January. heard captain Meade, commander of Orange County; s sector 2, extend an invitation for direct contact with him on special problems. Since that meeting, Fairways Watch has used the captains suggestion, several times. Each time that special assistance was requested, the results were very quick and positive.
   We have already received some good tips and discoveries through the third part of our blog. All information is handled discreetly and privately.Any resident that knows of a problem of a criminal nature, post it anonymously on the tip line section.All such information is passed to the proper authorities.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a job well done. Your hard work serves this community
well and we all appreciate your service.

Anonymous said...

Well done Bill, love the links, I feel now like I know what is going on here in the Fairways without having to bother my neighbors. Thanks Bill