Sunday, September 22, 2013


This note was originally sent as a comment to one of our posts. The administrator feels that it is worthy of its own post.We encourage all residents to submit comments such as this,they are appreciated.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "THE ANSWER IS YES-----WE COULD BE NEXT !": 

Do you know your neighbor? If you answered NO, then why not? The only way to get them out is to see who is living next to you. Go over and introduce yourself and ask them are you registered with the office and what is your name. Give the name to Bill as HTA could care less. We all need to work at this to protect our communit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree!
I know all my neighbors, left, right across the street and down a few houses to each side of me.
They are all here legally (they own their homes)and all are over 55+