Wednesday, September 4, 2013


FAIRWAYS WATCH is posting the following information to warn all residents of a reported problem on the internet. On September 3, we received a call from a very concerned resident. She described the following : She was having trouble getting on line to check her local bank account. While on line, she also called the bank to relay her problem. The bank representative, attempted to ''walk'' her through the procedure, once more. The bank directed her to click on to a specific link,[ON THE BANK WEBSITE] When the resident did this-- immediately the computer ''LOCKED UP''. Then immediately a long narrative popped up saying that the FBI and INTERPOL was investigating her for all kinds of federal fraud and crimes, and they said that they had her computer locked up. --She turned her computer off and back on--all to no avail--She called the bank---they told her that the account was ok --no problems. The the resident then read the demands on the pop up narrative.---The instructions were---GO TO A STORE AND PURCHASE A ''MONEY PACK CARD FOR $300''--Then she was to contact them and give them the account numbers off of the money pack card--at that point they ,the FBI would unlock her computer and do away with all the criminal charges!----SCAM! SCAM! SCAM!
  The FBI never sends Emails--This was probably some thief in Nigeria with a lap top and a throw away cell phone !
  NO DOUBT this residents computer had been breached and a bad virus, had infected it. FAIRWAYS WATCH advised the resident that the ''money pack'' angle was proof of a blatant SCAM.We also advised the resident to report this to the OCSO cyber crime unit and double check with their bank. We also suggested that the resident use a computer repair service, which has been a faithful advertiser in the Eagle for years.[I spoke from personal experience.]
 For anyone wanting to learn more about ''CYBER THIEVES'' I recommend ---''RIPOFFREPORT.COM''---enter into their search box ''cash services''. This will show you over 300 examples of computer fraud!


Judi C said...

Thanks Bill for the heads up! Scary, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Did she get the problem with the computer resolved? Does it work now? Or is it still locked up? Did she report the crime? What's the rest of the story?

Unknown said...

In reference to anonymous 6:49AM Fairways Watch, followed up with the resident,about her computer problems. YES all the issues and problems were solved.The resident did call the non emergency OCSO response line and discuss the issue with them. She also called the log time Eagle advertiser, and was very happy with his prompt, profesional service. ''ALL IS WELL THAT ENDS WELL''